Emailing list
Emailing list: wio-list(at)
Osakuntaneuvosto email list: wio-neuvosto(at)
Osakunta mailing lists are maintained by the tiedotusneuvos and sihteeri
Joining the emailing list
If you want to join the emailing list, send an email to the address majordomo(at) Leave the subject line empty, and in the email text write:
subscribe wio-list(at) etunimi.sukunimi(at)
If you want to be removed from the list, in the email text write:
unsubscribe wio-list(at) etunimi.sukunimi(at)
You can also be removed from the emailing list by sending an unsubscribe request to the address: owner-wio-list(at)
Note. replace (at) with the @ – sign.