Party Tradition

Do you want to party in a civilized manner at a fancy dinner party? Or would you rather be waited on hand and foot, or test your party stamina late into the night? All is possible at WiO, join in! 

Through Wiipurilainen Osakunta you will be able to experience academic celebration traditions twice a year, when osakunta members dress up in their finest and take over a fine Helsinki event establishment. Every year on the last day of November, 30.11., we have the greatest of all our celebrations: Wiipurin Pamaus. Although Pamaus is officially the osakunta’s secondary event, it is nonetheless usually the largest and greatest event of the year and it really shouldn’t be missed. The Pamaus programme includes singing, dancing, japes and of course a revue. Another important Pamaus moment is when the new osakunta members receive their osakuntanauha (sash) during the pre-Pamaus cocktail event.

Osakunta’s birthday is 5.3. and this is celebrated every year in the beginning of March at Vuosijuhla. Vuosijuhla includes speeches, between which many songs are sung and delicious food is eaten, capped off by traditional dances. 

In addition to black tie events, Osakunta organises many other casual dinner events. In autumn and spring we organize Alternation party, an exciting evening with a secret theme revealed to guests only after they arrive. In autumn the new fuksit are introduced to osakunta party tradition in the form of the fuksisitsit event, while in spring the Domus Gaudium osakunnat host a collective sitsit. In alternating years we also hold virkailijanvaihtokaronkka (celebrating change of office-bearers) and kuraattorinvaihtokaronkka (celebrating changeover of the kuraattori).

Juhlakuva Of course, every event is followed by an afterparty, which takes place in the osakunta rooms usually into the early hours of the morning. On the mornings following Pamaus and Vuosijuhla the emmännät and apuemmännät rustle up a magical sillis brunch, serving everything that a hungry partygoer might want the day after a party: handmade karelian pies, salmon, salad, meatballs, sparkling wine and herring. Sometimes before events there are pre-parties, where we get ready together and get into the party spirit.

By getting involved in the action you yourself can be organising a 150 person dinner party, crafting amazing dinner menus, or dressing the osakunta rooms up as The Love Boat. Life in Wiipurilainen Osakunta can appear to be all parties, and that it is, but it’s also much more!