Wiipurilainen Osakunta
Wiipurilainen Osakunta is the oldest Finnish-speaking osakunta (student nation) of the 15 osakunnat at the University of Helsinki. It has been strongly active since its founding in 1653. Originally, osakunnat were founded to maintain order and keep an eye on ‘lively students.’
Today Wiipurilainen Osakunta gathers students, mostly from the province of South Karelia but also other parts of the country (and the world!), under the same roof to spend time in a diverse community. The osakunta offers a range of activities to its members, everything from regular meetings to cultural events and sports, as well as large and small academic celebrations. Wiipurilainen Osakunta, or WiO for short, has approximately 190 active members.
The mission of Wiipurilainen Osakunta is to unite members, maintain relations to the South Karelian region and cherish Karelian culture. The osakunta also supports its members by offering student apartments and scholarships.
The clubroom of the osakunta in the basement of Domus Gaudium building in Kamppi is also home to Karjalainen Osakunta and Kymenlaakson Osakunta. In the clubroom there are many amenities available for members to use, including a TV, Playstation, DVD-player, computer and a grand piano.
Wiipurilainen Osakunta has become another home for many students. You are warmly welcomed to join us!