How do I join

Wiipurilainen Osakunta?

Have you already become a member but don’t know how things work around here?

Do you want to come and try out the vibe before joining?

Whatever your situation, we are happy to welcome you whole-heartedly to Wiipurilainen Osakunta! With us, fuksit (new students) meet each other and older osakunta members with good food and drink for free for the entire autumn. You will get to join in at sit-sits, meetings, parties, chill hangs, attend art and sports events


You can join the osakunta by paying the membership fee (12 euros) and signing into the osakunta. The membership fee can be paid directly into the osakunta bank account (name: Wiipurilainen Osakunta, account: FI61 1271 3000 0822 26, reference number 1504), if you did not do it already during university registration. You can sign into the osakunta after payment by writing your name in our member book, the matrikkeli. You can sign in for example at our fuksi events.

Want to become an ulkojäsen?

If you study at another tertiary institution in the Helsinki region, such as Aalto University, Haaga-Helia, Sibelius Academy, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, or Helsinki avoin yliopisto (Open University), you can join the osakunta as an ulkojäsen by first paying the the joining fee into the osakunta bank account: FI61 1271 3000 0822 26 with reference number 1504 and then writing your name in our matrikkeli. Ulkojäsen membership is no different from other memberships, so don’t let the name fool you. We have plenty of members from outside of the University of Helsinki :) In case you study somewhere outside the Helsinki region, your membership will have to be approved at an osakunta meeting.

Where and when?

It’s easy to stay involved by following the osakunta on social media. When you become a member, the sihteeri can add you to the osakunta emailing list, where lots of details about osakunta events are shared. Upcoming events are also visible here on our website, on the tapahtumakalenteri (events calendar) on our front page.

At Wiipurilainen Osakunta we are always available for fuksit at events and meetings, so join in!

During events you can hear stories about the osakunta and its events. Plus, you will get to know our rooms, in Domus Gaudium osakunta rooms Alexander (Leppäsuonkatu 11).

I can’t find my way…


What are we supposed to wear at sit-sits…

Damn it, who can I ask for help?!

If anything at all related to the Osakunta (or even Helsinki public transport!) bothers or confuses you, you can (and should feel free!) to contact our fuksineuvokset (or our ulkoasiainneuvos/ulkoasiainsihteeri). They will help you in any situation. 

See you at the Osakunta <3

Heta Korhonen
