Events in the Year

What? Where? Why? When?
What do WiO members do?
What are they talking about?
Where are they going?
Take a peek below.

Regular Events During the Year

kokousOsakunta kokous meeting

Wiipurilainen Osakunta meets every two to three weeks, always on Tuesdays at 19:00. At the kokous meeting we make decisions in a serious but relaxed manner, whilst enjoying coffee and a delicious light dinner prepared by the emännät and apuemännät. Free food is always a plus for a hungry student! The osakunta kokous is led by the kuraattori.

Osakuntaneuvoston kokous

The Osakuntaneuvosto is the leadership council of Wiipurilainen Osakunta. The neuvosto prepares matters for the osakunta kokous. The neuvosto always meet before the osakunta kokous meeting.


The osakunta has Wednesday coffees (keskiviikkokahvit) every Wednesday at 19:00, where there is coffee and small bites on offer. Keskiviikkokahvit are a good chance to meet other WiO members, as well as members of Karjalainen Osakunta and Kymenlaakson Osakunta, who share our rooms in the basement of Domus Gaudium in Kamppi.

Free salibandy (sähly) on Wednesdays

On Wednesdays at 21:00 we play sähly at Kumpula Unisport. We focus on playing together, rather than strict training. Everyone is welcome, even if you’ve never played sähly. A stick can be loaned from Unisport for 1 euro.



Annual Events

10379693_10204127459056731_7337409381953024143_oItäsuomalaiset kesäjuhlat

The summer season ends in style when Eastern Finnish osakunnat Savolainen Osakunta, Karjalainen Osakunta, Kymmenlaakson Osakunta, Wiipurilainen Osakunta and Östra Finlands Nation join together to celebrate Eastern Finnishness.

Punkkua ja patonkia

A relaxed evening of punkkua (red wine) and pantonkia (baguettes) especially for fuksit. Fuksi autumn (fuksisyksy) is full of meeting new people and other stressful activities. This is why it is good to take the chance to do things a bit more chill. In the dark evening of autumn, we meet inside an osakunta member’s apartment to enjoy red wine and baguettes, as well as get to know each other.


Fuksiaiset is an exciting event for new osakunta members to get to know each other, usually organised together with Kymenlaakson Osakunta and Karjalainen Osakunta. Fuksiaiset are an action-packed beginning to your osakunta life. Wear weather appropriate clothing and an adventurous attitude, because you never what you might get yourself into.


A dinner party organised for fuksit, where older osakunta members lead new members into the marvellous world of sitsit and educate them on the extra annotations that need to be added to the songbook, as well as the directions to toast. This event is always a fun time!

HYYn fuksiseikkailu

HYY (Helsingin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta, Student Union of the University of Helsinki) organise a giant fuksi orienteering event in Helsinki, which includes 300 teams and 70 checkpoints to visit. Dominate Helsinki with your osakunta friends, More information about the event can be found on HYY’s website.

DGO:n sauna nights

Domus Gaudium osakunnat organise sauna nights  every year, as well as anything else they can think of doing together. Sauna rooms on the top floor of Domus Gaudium are the prime location for these evenings.


Osakuntalainen Union organises a fun night of travelling between each of the osakunta rooms. Like all good parties, this event is followed by an after party in some osakunta’s rooms. Where is Botta? What is Vinni? Join in and find out!

Alternation party

In the autumn’s Alternation party, the members of osakunta are divided between the hosts and the party-goers by their own choice. In spring, the roles are swapped, so that the organisers of the autumn’s party get to enjoy the festivities. Alternation party differs from ordinary sitsit. This party often features an inventive theme, that is not revealed to party-goers until the party begins. This creates unexpected circumstances.

untitled-8892_001Wiipurin Pamaus

Wiipurin Pamaus is the peak of the osakunta year, celebrated always on 30.11 regardless of weekday. The event commemorates the blowing up of the Wiipuri castle gunpowder store by knight Knut Posse in 1495. This event is your opportunity to dust off your tuxedos and evening gowns. The programme includes old timey dances, a fun revue video, singing, food, drinks and an afterparty. At the cocktail event before Pamaus, fuksit get their red-yellow-blue osakuntanauha sash, which they are encouraged to wear henceforth at all osakunta events.


On the morning following Pamaus and Vuosijuhla at 12:00, we enjoy a sillis brunch. The emännät prepare an immense meal to aid the recovery of partygoers. On offer are, at the very least, meatballs, sausages, herring, salmon, salads, karelian pies etc.


The vaalikokous held in November is the most important meeting of the year. At this meeting, the new office-bearers for the next calendar year are chosen. Even fuksit have the chance to find a role for themselves in the osakunta according to their interests. More detailed descriptions of roles can be found on the WiO website. Older osakunta members are also happy to tell you about the different osakunta roles. The vaalikokous is led by the osakunta inspehtori (a University of Helsinki professor tasked with overseeing Wiipurilainen Osakunta activity).

soihtukulkueItsenäisyyspäivä 6.12.

The students’ torchlight procession from Hietaniemi cemetery to Senaatintori on Finnish independence day (itsenäisyyspäivä) is a stunning sight on a dark December evening. After the procession, mulled wine glögi is served at the osakunta rooms.


The osakunta pikkujoulut Christmas party is celebrated in traditional fashion with rice porridge (riisipuuro) and joulutorttu sweets. Fuksit organise the event, including some form of entertainment, but there’s no need to feel pressure, as glögi-filled party goers are an easy audience. Santa Claus has also had a habit of joining the party…


In August osakunta members go on a tour of home region high schools in Southern Karelia. On this tour they tell high schoolers about the opportunities at Helsinki universities as well as osakunta life.


The Wiipurilainen Osakunta Stipendisäätiö scholarship application period runs in January. Don’t forget to apply!

keskirivi (2)Akateemisen kyykän MM-kisat

In February we compete in the world championships of kyykkä (a traditional Karelian lawn game played with wooden pieces). WiO always sends at least one team along to this funny, but still exciting, tournament. Our osakunta actively practices kyykkä all year round and everyone is welcome to join in, even if you have never even touched a karttu before.

Kuraattorin- tai virkailijanvaihtokaronkka

In January we celebrate new office-bearers stepping into their roles in the form of a magnificent karonkka party. Every second year we also chose a new kuraattori, with the change of office-bearers celebrated alongside the change of kuraattori at a kuraattorinvaihtokaronkka event.


The osakunta has apartments around Helsinki, including in Mäkelänrinne. Apartments can be applied for during the asuntohaku period in February/March.


Wiipurilainen Osakunta was established in 1653, and is the oldest Finnish-speaking osakunta at the University of Helsinki. This anniversary is celebrated with a Vuosijuhla on 5.3 – if this date falls on a weekday, it is moved to the nearest weekend. The Vuosijuhla is a black tie event, with speeches, dancing, singing and good food. The stipendisäätiö scholarships are also presented. From the event we move to the after party at Domus Gaudium, and the next day a sillis brunch is served.


IMG_5425 _Large_Debatti

Do you have the need to speak? Are you able to quickly put together rational and reasonable arguments? Debaatti is the intense debating competition held between Domus Gaudium osakunnat each spring, with the winning team getting respect and admiration, as well as their name engraved onto the trophy. Three-member teams from each osakunta participate in the contest, with the inspehtorit of the osakunnat acting as judges. The thrilling contest usually brings in a large crowd of supporters.


WiO has an active society of ex-students, Seniores Wiburgeneses, for whom the osakunta prepares a stunning meal once a year. This is a great opportunity to prepare a three-course meal with a fun group of people, and to observe how the osakunta brings old members back into the fold still years after their graduation.


Vappu celebration begins with pre-wappu, when osakunta members get together to enjoy an evening together in the spirit of Vappu. The natural accompaniment to this evening is of course sparkling wine!


Helsinki Vappu begins in traditional style with the placing of a lakki cap on the  Havis Amanda (or Manta) statue. Once Manta has received her lakki, you can don yours, with a rollicking evening of festivities taking you wherever you find your way.


Ullanlinnanmäellä nautitaan vappupiknikiä osakuntaporukassa. Tätä ei voi jättää väliin, jos Helsingissä vappuaan viettää.

Kesäretki 2012

Kesäretki (summer trip)

In summer osakunta members travel to a town in the home region of Southern Karelia and enjoy a weekend as guests of the town. The trip usually involves a kyykkä contest, sauna, and various visits.